Home Portali Art & Kulturë The Great Poetry of destiny and The Great Wall of Peace Poetry for Peace

The Great Poetry of destiny and The Great Wall of Peace Poetry for Peace


The Great Poetry Of Destiny And The Great Wall Of Peace

Great Poetry Movement / World Poetry Movement
The Ukrainian War clouds over the Earth, and COVID-19 spread all over the world. It is time that Chinese poets and World poets are ready to act. You could write peace  and anti-war poems in Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic, write Human Destiny Community with Great Poetry, and build Great Wall of peace with poems!
In response to the initiative of the World Poetry Movement “Earth Is Our Home”, China’s Great Poetry Movement launches the initiative of “The Great Poetry Of Destiny And The Great Wall Of Peace”. It is also in response to France’s “Worldwide Chain Of Poems For Peace” and Africa’s “Manifesto for Peace and Concord”. Now it has received the response of World Poetry magazine and World Poet magazine in China. The magazines will make a special issue of peace and anti-war poetry in the future. It is also hoped that more and more poets will create, publish, read and comment on peace and anti-war poetry.

The Great Poetry Movement or Great Poeticism Movement originated in the Manifesto Of Great Poeticism written by Cao Shui in 2007. It advocates “Integration Of Western And Eastern Cultures”, “Integration Of Ancient And Modern Cultures” and “Integration Of Mysterious And Secular Cultures”. It traces back to the epic spirit of Babylon,  India, Canaan, China,and Greece. The concept is developed by of Chinese great poet Hai Zi’s Great Poetry, which is poetry “integrating nationality and mankind, integrating poetry and ideal”. We hope to create Great Poetry for all mankind.
The times are calling for Great Poetry! Today’s world civilization is not just Chinese civilization, but the vast world civilization. The current era is also very short. Mankind has a history of 5000 years of poetry. The world we know is very limited, and more secrets are mysterious. Therefore, we need to “Integrate Western And Eastern Cultures”, “Integrate Ancient And Modern Cultures” and “Integrate Mysterious And Secular Cultures”.
In the era of Internet and globalization, the “World Literature” put forward by the great German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1827 is accelerating. Poets all over the world are becoming a whole. In reality, the performance is the “World Poetry Movement”. It was founded by Fernando Rendon, an outstanding Colombian poet and President of Medellin International Poetry Festival, and poets from all over the world at Medellin poetry festival in 2011. They issued the Manifesto Of the World Poetry Movement, which aims to make the world a whole through poetry.
Today’s world is not China in the Han and Tang Dynasties, but the Earth in the era of globalization. Chinese culture is only an integral part of world civilization, which we have to accept and deal with. Today’s civilization is developed from the seven civilizations that used to lie across the Eurasian continent, from Babylon to Persia, India, China to the East, and Canaan, Egypt, Greece to the West. Only by tracing back to this root vein can we integrate into the whole world civilization, then integrate ancient and modern civilizations, integrate occidental and oriental civilizations, integrate mysterious and secular civilizations, create a unique civilization, and re-lead the world civilization. Eastern and Western civilizations are like seesaws. Chinese civilization once led the world civilization in the feudal era, but we have to admit that now western civilization has become the mainstream of global civilization. Chinese poets should be able to write the whole world, so that we can press the seesaw of world civilization to the East again. At present, western centralism is widely distributed in the world, and some people in China want to counter with Oriental centralism. In fact, it is a diversified world. We prefer the cosmopolitanism of eastern and Western polycentrism.
Finally, we revisit the story of the Tower of Babel. At first, mankind wanted to build a tower to Heaven. After God knew it, he was afraid to affect his authority, so he disturbed human language. Therefore, people stopped construction because they could not communicate, and fled to all parts of the world to form a nation. This is a metaphor, which comes from the Bible. There are similar myths in China’s Taiping Guangji. The human dream is the Human Destiny Community or Dreamland. The biggest revelation of this metaphor is that when we open the gap between languages, the Tower of Babel will naturally form. If we can communicate ideologically with English, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic, the Tower of Babel will be rebuilt and the Human Destiny Community will be built.
The Ukrainian War clouds over the Earth, and COVID-19 spread all over the world. It is time that Chinese poets and World poets are ready to act. You could write peace  and anti-war poems in Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic, write Human Destiny Community with Great Poetry, and build Great Wall of peace with poems!

By Cao Shui

大诗主义运动(Great Poetry Movement) 世界诗歌运动(World Poetry Movement)
中国的大诗主义运动响应世界诗歌运动“地球是我们的家园”(Earth Is Our Home)的倡议,同时呼应法国“和平诗歌的世界链条”(Worldwide Chain of Poems for Peace)和非洲《世界和平与和谐宣言》(Manifesto for Peace and Concord),发起“大诗的命运,和平的长城”(The Great Poetry Of Destiny And The Great Wall Of Peace)倡议。现在已经得到中国的《世界诗歌》杂志和《世界诗人》杂志的响应,未来会做和平诗歌专刊,也希望越来越多的诗人创作、发表、朗诵、评论和平诗歌。
在互联网和全球化时代,德国伟大诗人歌德在公元1827年所提出的“世界文学”正在加速形成,世界各国的诗人越来越成为一个整体,在现实中的表现就是“世界诗歌运动”。这是由哥伦比亚杰出诗人、麦德林国际诗歌节主席费尔南多·伦德(Fernando Rendon)在2011年的麦德林诗歌节上跟来自世界各国的诗人共同创立的,他们发表了《世界诗歌运动宪章》,旨在通过诗歌让世界成为一体。
曹谁 执笔

Cao Shui
L’Ukraine crie : Yalta s’effondre
L’humanité est en guerre et les peuples souffrent
Le Château des hirondelles qui se dresse en Crimée tremble
L’équilibre de Yalta se met à vaciller
Depuis le nid d’hirondelles, Prométhée observe la Terre
Lors de la guerre mondiale, les trois seigneurs du monde ont divisé le monde
L’Eurasie devait être au centre
Les Nations Unies auraient dû s’établir sur ce nouveau continent
Les bras de Prométhée embrassant ses deux bords
A l’Est, la Mongolie indépendante, la Corée du nord divisée en Nord et Sud, le Japon occupé par quatre pays
A l’Ouest, la Pologne ressuscitée, L’Allemagne divisée entre Est et Ouest et quatre pays l’occupant,
L’Amérique, la Russie, La Grande-Bretagne, la Chine et la France devaient superviser le monde
Yalta se tient au milieu et rêve du passé
La cavalerie mongole de Gengis Khan venue d’Asie a balayé le monde
Les navires de guerre de la Reine Victoria venus de l’Ouest ont conquis le monde
Ils se sont rencontrés à Yalta
Yalta qui dormait a été réveillée par les canonnières
Les tanks russes ont surgi en Ukraine
Les deux Vladimir ont commencé à se battre
A nouveau l’humanité se dispute l’hégémonie
N’espérez pas que l’humanité se civilise en 70 ans
N’espérez pas qu’en 70 ans la tyrannie se change en histoire ancienne
Les rejetons du fascisme ne changent pas de gènes
L’équilibre de Yalta commence à s’effondrer
Prométhée vole du Caucase au Pâmir
Le vautour féroce de l’Amérique erre sur le monde
L’Ours brut d’Asie court à quatre pattes
L’Aigle géant d’Europe s’élève à L’Ouest
Le Dragon doré de la Chine prend son envol à l’Est
Les vents ne se calment pas
Les nuages s’amoncellent dans le ciel
L’équilibre de Yalta commence à vaciller
Le Système de Yalta s’effondre
Peut-être l’humanité rejoindra-t-elle dans le feu le nirvana
Peut-être l’humanité rebâtira-t-elle le monde sur ses ruines.
(Trad. Francis Combes)
Ukraine Is Shouting: Yalta’s Balance Begins To Collapse
By Cao Shui
Who cares who’s got
the biggest one?
Gentlemen, would you please
put your guns away?
There are children
walking this Earth.
Francis Combes
Mankind is at war and the people are suffering
The Swallow Castle protruding from Crimea is shaking
The balance of the Yalta system begin to tilt
Prometheus on the Swallow Castle overlooks the earth
The three world overlords divided the world in the world war
The Eurasian continent should be in the center
The United Nations should be established in the new continent
Prometheus’s arms drooped from both sides of the continent
In the East, Mongolia is independent , North Korea is divided into North and south, and four countries occupy Japan
In the west, Poland was restored, Germany was divided into East and West and four countries occupied Germany
America, Russia, Britain, China and France should supervise the world
Yalta stands in the middle and dreamed of the past
Genghis Khan’s Mongolian cavalry swept the world from Asia
Queen Victoria’s British warships conquered the world from Europe
They met in Yalta, Crimea
Yalta’s sleep is awakened by the gunboat
Russian tanks broke in Ukraine
The two Vladimirs begin to fight
Mankind began to compete for world hegemony again
Don’t expect mankind to become a civilization in seventy years
Don’t expect tyranny to become a history in seventy years
Fascist offspring will not change their genes
The balance of Yalta System began to collapse
Prometheus flies from Caucasus to Pamirs
The Ferocious Vulture of America roams the world
The Rough Bear of the Eurasia runs rampant
The Giant Eagle of Europe rises from the West
The Golden Dragon of China takes off in the East
The wind never stops
Clouds will gather in the sky
Yalta’s balance begins to tilt
Yalta’s System begins to collapse
Human beings will eventually become nirvana in the fire
Mankind will eventually rebuild the world from the ruins
(Translated by Cao Shui)
Biography of Cao Shui
Cao Shui(Chinese: 曹谁;pinyin: Cáo Shuí), also Shawn Cao (born in Jun 5, 1982), is a Chinese poet, novelist, screenwriter and translator. He is a representative figure of Chinese Contemporary Literature. He leads “the Greatpoeticism” movement. In his “Manifesto of Greatpoem”, he aims to integrate sacred and secular cultures, oriental and occidental cultures, ancient and modern cultures in Chinese literature. In 2008, he resigned from a newspaper and traveled around Tibet and Xinjiang, which is the center of Eurasia or the World in his view. His novels Secret of Heaven trilogy tells the whole developing history of human civilization. His most notable works includes Epic of Eurasia, the already mentioned trilogy and King Peacock (TV series). In his works, he extracts elements of various ancient human civilizations, from Babylon to the west to Judea, Egypt, Greece, to the east to Persia, India, China, and uses these elements to reconstruct a new Utopian human homeland, which always described as Eurasia, the Top of the Tower of Babel or Kunlun Mountains (Heaven Mountains). So far twenty books of Cao Shui have been published, including five poem collections, three essay collections, ten novels, three translations and one hundred episodes TV series and films. He has won more than 50 literary awards worldwide, including the 1st Chinese Young Poet Award, the 4th Cao Yu Cup Drama Award, the Apollo Dionysus Award of the 8th Italian Rome International Academy of Contemporary Poetry and Art Award, the 12th Russian Golden Knight Award, and the Top Ten Public Figures of the 5th Chinese Poetry Spring Festival Gala, etc.His works have been translated into English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Swedish, Portuguese, Danish, Polish, Russian, Hungarian, Croatian, Slovenian, Turkish, Arabic, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Nepali, Vietnamese, Tibetan, Mongolian, etc. He has been invited to participate in the 30th Medellin International Poetry Festival, the 26th Havana International Poetry Festival, the 14th Kritya International Poetry Festival in India and the 4th Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival. He is a member of China Writers Association, China Film Association and China Poetry Society. He is also chief editor of Great Poetry, deputy editor in chief of World Poetry, secretary general of Boao International Poetry Festival and vice president of the Silk Road International Poetry Festival. Currently he lives in Beijing, and works as a professional writer and screenwriter.
——法兰西斯·康博斯(Francis Combes)《请把你的枪收起来》


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