Home Ballina Poul Lynggaard Damgaard on IPF 2019, the 5th Edition, Rahovec, Kosovo

Poul Lynggaard Damgaard on IPF 2019, the 5th Edition, Rahovec, Kosovo


on IPF 2019, the 5th Edition, Rahovec, Kosovo



I thank you so much for the International Poetry Festival 5th edition, September 2019 in Rahovec,Kosovo. I enjoyed the hospitality from you and your familiy and the hole crew. I like the way we shared rooms. I liked the way each poet in the morning found his or her own path in the city of Rahovec or Prizren. It touched my heart to take part of the reading in the Promotion of Literature for Children, and the gathering around poetry in the City Park. The Discussion ” The importance of poetry in our Century” was a great time. The hole time I liked the atmosphere and to be together with poets from many different countries in the world. Ireland, Israel, USA, Slovenia, Jordan, Italy, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Japan, Macedonia, Kosovo. As a poet from Denmark, it was good to be in contact with also Norwegian poetry in Rahovec. I highly recommend this festival to other poets in the world and will happily participate again in the name of poetry.

”…As the world is consumed like a torch,
Emerging from the clouds…”

[Sibila Eritrea, from Cuneus Prophetarum, Padua, Typographia Seminarii 1685, p. 166-168, translated from the Albanian by Robert Elsie]


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