Home Portali Art & Kulturë Milutin Đuričković – Serbia

Milutin Đuričković – Serbia



“Mir je uvek lep.”
(Walt Whitman)

postoji helensko more koje nas sluša:
galebovi, obale,
brodovi, letopis.

moj rodni grad je
samo priča
u tišini vekova

kazivala mi
maslina stara


“Peace is always beautiful.”
(Walt Whitman)

There is the Hellenic sea listening to us:
seagulls, shores,
ships, chronicle.

My hometown is
just a story
in the silence of centuries.

An old olive tree
told me.


Ti, koji neprestano
posmatraš nebo
puno ptica.
Ti, koji ne osećaš
tok vremena,
a poznaješ sve
stare drumove.
Ti, mora da si
Maslinova grančica
koju ti donosim,
simbol je mira
i slobode…


You, always
watching the sky
full of birds.
You, not feeling
the flow of time,
yet knowing
all the old roads.
You must be
a tramp.
The olive branch
that I bring to you,
is a symbol of peace
and freedom…


Bambusovo lišće
i pesma slavuja.

A bamboo grove
and a nightingales song.

Danas je praznik,
u zavičaju opet
cvetaju trešnje.

Today is a holiday,
cherry trees in blossom
back home.

Kakav pogled!
Rani sneg –
na planini Fudži.

What a view!
Early snow –
on the Mount Fuyi.

Umoran radnik
na pirinčanom polju
očekuje kišu.

A tired workman
in the rice field
awaiting rain.

Put do tebe
pun je trske i
uvelog lišća.

The road to you
is full of reed and
wet leaves.

Krik divljih gusaka.
Polje pod snegom.

The moonlight.
Wild geese cry.
A field under the snow.

Uživam u tvom
mirisu i belini,
trešnjin cvete.

I enjoy your
smell and whiteness,
cherry flower.

ti si mi jedini prijatelj
u ovoj snežnoj noći.

you are my only friend
in this snowy night.

Kako je tužno
staro stablo
posle kiše.

How sad
the old tree is
after rain.

Ne, to nije platno.
Bistra reka nosi
jesenje lišće.

No, thats not the linen.
Clear river carries
autumn leaves.

Milutin Đuričković (1967, Dečani). Pesnik, prozni pisac, romanopisac, esejista, antologičar, novinar. Diplomirao i magistrirao na Filološkom fakultetu u Prištini, a doktorirao na Filozofskom fakultetu u Istočnom Sarajevu. Radi kao profesor na Visokoj školi za vaspitače strukovnih studija u Aleksincu. Saradnik mnogih listova i časopisa. Dobitnik nekoliko domaćih i stranih književnih nagrada. Zastupljen u 40 antologija poezije i proze za decu i odrasle. Pesme su mu komponovane i pojedinačno prevođene na 22 jezika. Uređivao časopise “Svetionik” i “Naše stvaranje”. Član Srpske kraljevske akademije naučnika i umetnika, Udruženja književnika Srbije i Udruženja novinara Srbije. Objavio i priredio 55 žanrovski različitih knjiga za decu i odrasle (pesme, priče, romani, kritike, monografije, antologije, folkloristika…). Živi i stvara u Beogradu.

Milutin Đuričković (1967, Dečani). A poet, short story writer, novelist, essayist, journalist. He graduated at the Department for Serbian Philology in Priština, where his master’s degree. He earned his doctorate at the Faculty of Philosophy in East Sarajevo. He works as a professor at the College of Professional Studies for Educators in Aleksinac. A collaborator of many newspapers and magazines. Winner of some domestic and foreign literary awards. Represented in 40 anthologies of poetry and stories for children and adults. His poems were composed and individually translated into 22 languages. He edited magazines “Lighthouse” and “Our creation”. Member of the Serbian Rojal Academy of scientists and artists, Association of Writers of Serbia and the Association of Journalists of Serbia. He published 55 books for children and adults (poems, novel, story, critic, monography, antology…). Lives in Belgrade.


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