Home Portali Art & Kulturë Ljiljana Bursać

Ljiljana Bursać


New Exhibition

Ljiljana Bursać je rođena 27.10.1946. u Kragujevcu, Srbija. Studirala je na Likovnoj akademiji u Beču, Austrija, a usavršavala se i studijski boravila u SAD, Nemačkoj, Francuskoj, A.R.Siriji i Izraelu. Član je ULUS-a i ULUPUDS-a.

Korisnik stipendije Fond Mladih 1972-74 i 1975-77 g.
Od 1971. godine priredila je više od 45 samostalnih izložbi i učestvovala je na preko tri stotine grupnih izložbi u zemlji i inostranstvu.
Njena dela nalaze se u uglednim muzejsko-galerijskim ustanovama i privatnim zbirkama širom nekadašnje Jugoslavije i u svetu.
Osnivač je i predsednik Art Forum-a.
1999 – 2000 g. izvela je performans Most Svetlosti na mostu u Kosovskoj Mitrovici.

Ljiljana Bursać
Was born on October the 27th 1946, in Kragujevac, Serbia. She studied at The Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria; аnd received advanced studies as well as training in USA, Germany , France , A.R.Syrie and Israel. In 1972 she became a member of The Association of Visual Artists of Serbia (ULUS) , The Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Serbia (ULUPUDS), and was awarded ’Fond Mladih’ scholarship for young talents in 1972-1974 and 1975-1977. Her works have been exhibited in solo exhibitions since 1971, 45 solo and over 300 group exhibitions throughout the country and abroad.
In 1999-2000 she made the performance ’The Bridge of Light’ on the bridge in Kosovka Mitrovica.
Her works are spread in many of respectable museums, galleries and private collections all over the former Yugoslavia and the World. She was the founder and president of The Art Forum.

1976 – Mantua, Italy, ’Premio Nazionale R. Giorgi’ – Medalia d’Argento
1976 – Mantua, Italy, ’Placeta San Benedeto Po’
1990 – Piran, Slovenia, ’Ex Tempore’
2012 – Belgrade, Serbia, Vincanska Povelja
2019- Belgrade, Serbia, Laureat award winer on Jesenja izložba of the Association of
Fine Artists of Serbia – ULUS ,The Life Achievement Award

2002 – Certificate of honour of Association of Writers of Serbia for the project-performance
’The Bridge of Light’

Since 2004 – UNESCO auspice for author projects, conception and programme
realisation of The Art Forum

2011 – Serbian Encyclopedia SASA and Matica Srpska / Volume 1, Book 2, p. 679-680 /



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