Home Ballina Khedija Gadhoum’s Feedback for International Poetry Festival In Kosovo 2017

Khedija Gadhoum’s Feedback for International Poetry Festival In Kosovo 2017


Dear poet and president of Kosovo international poetry festival, Mr. Fahredin Shehu, dear organizing committee, poets, and community,

I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for a wonderful poetry encounter in the beautiful Kosovo!

I enjoyed every single minute of every single day of the festival. I enjoyed the rich and multilingual communication that I was able to exchange with local and international poets, as well as local people. Hospitality is just outstanding. People, young and old are extremely generous, friendly, patient, proud, and with a great sense of humor. Hospitality is present everywhere: the food was so exquisite and delicious, I could not help myself but indulged in savoring tasty dishes and rich wines. The cultural visits to historical, religious and cultural sites and monuments in Rahovec and Presren were precious experiences aimed at challenging, time and again, our understanding and appreciation of dynamic histories and stories from and about an unique country. The weather was perfect and added more comfort and joy to my autumnal visit. Every dawn, I enjoyed a naturally organic awakening, thanks to the muezzin’s call for prayer and the cock’s melodic singing. My soul kept rising like everyday sun behind the mountains, and I just felt at home in Kosovo! And when I left, a part of me reminded me of another visit to celebrate together our verses and our bondings. again at home!


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