- Personal Information:
Date of Birth: 8/10/1950
Place of Birth: Amman – Jordan
Nationality: Jordanian
Marital Status: Married
- Academic Qualifications and Courses:
- National Patriarchal College / Amman – Jordan.
- Damascus University: Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology.
- BeirutArab University:faculty of Commerce and Business Administration.
- Advanced university Courses in Arabic Literature, syntax, eloquence, and prosody.
- Writer, Researcher&Authour: Arabic literature, prose, and social criticism,which includes Social Phenomena, Local matters, Thoughtful Issues etc.
- Author of:
- Monitor of Phenomena and Light of Thoughts. (Marsad Al ZawahirwaKabas Al khawatir).
- Gong of Phenomena and Basil of Thoughts. (Nakouss Al ZawahirwaRayhan Al Khawatir)
- The Supreme Option and Live Scenes. ( AlKhiyar Al AssmawaMashahidHayatiya)
- Ambergris of Words and Arrows Hunt. (Amber Al Kalam fi Sayd Al Siham)
- Script of: Flame of Pain and Dew of Magnificence. (Laza Al Mawajie’ wa Nada Al Badaie’)
- More than 620 articles in different topicspublished in newspapers and magazines.
- Research Papers on:
- Interfaith Dialogue.
- The role of Literature in Peace process.
- Cultural Dialogue.
- Human rights and women.
- Other issues.
- Memberships:
- Jordanian Writers and Literatures Union.
- Jordanian Society for Human Rights.
- League OfIslamic Literature International.
- Jordan Climate Change &Environment Protection Society
- Other Social Civil Organizations and cultural centers .