Home Ballina Francisco Azuela

Francisco Azuela

Extracto career and biography the poet Mexican Francisco Azuela.

Francisco Azuela was born on March 8, 1948 in León, Guanajuato. Is a writerand poet. He served as a diplomat in the Mexican Embassy in Costa Rica and later in Honduras (1973–1983). During those years The Honduran government awarded him the Order of the Liberator of Central-America Francisco Morazán, and in 1981 the Honduran Academy of Language nominated him for the Cervantes International Literature award. He later served as Director of the Library of the Chamber of Deputies of the State of Guanajuato (1991–1997), and became the CEO and founder of the El Condor de los Andes-Aguila Azteca AC, an international cultural center currently based in the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia (1999).

Azuela comes from an artistic family of some renown: his great uncle was Mariano Azuela, author of one of the most celebrated novels of the Mexican Revolution, Los de abajo (The Underdogs).

Azuela began to express his first thoughts in poetry at a young age. His father, a poet himself, introduced him to great Russian literature, such as Pushkin’s beautiful poem Ruslan and Ludmila. Another book that made an indelible mark was the poetry and the odes of the legendary wise king and poet Tezcocan, a.k.a. Netzahualcoyotl. The literature of the Aztec world recorded in the Nahuatl language impressed him early on with its beautiful metaphors and strength of poetic expression, but it also gave him a wealth of information about Mexico’s vast and varied geography: Tenochtitlan, the Valley of Mexico a.k.a. Anahuac Valley; the fabled Atlanteans of Tula with neo-volcanic mountains and highlands; Mexico’s highest volcanoes and cordilleras; and Mexico’s pre-Columbian civilizations, the Olmec, the MayaZapotec, the Chichimec, and the Mixtec.

During these formative years Azuela read classic literature, as well as contemporary poets and narrators of diverse origins and nationalities, including writers and poets of social and political perspectives. He came to understand that poets and narrative writers are an invaluable source of social consciousness as they give witness to their life and times.

His father’s death, when Azuela was 20 years old, did not diminish his influence on the nascent literary career of the young man. In Azuela’s poetry loneliness, love, nature, life, death, the spirit of nationalism, war, indifference, despair, hopelessness, abandonment, neglect, fear, anguish appear constantly as themes he shares with other Latin American writers. He also writes about the solitude, the sadness and the suffering that characterizes today’s people, harking back to the pre-Columbian empires of the Incas, the Aztecs and the Mayans. His poetry often reflects the plight of peoples who have been oppressed, neglected, involuntarily involved in wars and endangered by the invasion of Western values.

He studied Law at the University of Guanajuato and at the National Autonomous University of Mexico -UNAM-; Literature at the Ibero-American University of Mexico City and Pedagogy at the Department of Free Studies of the Pan-American University of Mexico City; He also received courses, workshops and seminars on Philosophy and Literature at the Complutense Universities of Madrid and Laval de Québec, Canada.

Awards, honors and distinctions:

  • Decorated by the Honduran government with the Order of the Liberator of Central America “Francisco Morazán“, officer’s grade.
  • Ambassador of the International Poets of the World Movement in Bolivia, 2005.
  • Ambassadeur de la Paix 2006, Geneve, Capitale Mondiale de la Paix.
  • Membership of the Societé Mondiale es Poètes – World Society of Poets. Grèce 2006.
  • Awarded with one of the 4 Awards granted by a prestigious jury of the California State Polytechnic University, through its Department of English and Foreign Languages ​​(College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences), to integrate the Spring Harvest International 2006 / 2007, one of the most prestigious English language editions in the United States.
  • He was invited by the Center for Modern Literature of Iran to participate in the First Congress of Latin American Literature, held from May 26 to June 1, 2007 in the cities of Tehran and Isfahan of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • Trilingual launch: Spanish, French and English of La Palabra Ardiente / La Parole Ardente / The Ardent Word, made by ANTARES Publishing House of Spanish Culture. Sponsored by The York University Bookstore in conjunction with The Department of Hispanic Studies, Glendon College, York University and The Enrichment Lectures and Events Series of Stong College, York University. Toronto, Canada, March 2008.
  • Participated together with representatives from 27 countries in the III International Feslatino de Culturas, Linguas e Literaturas Neolatinas held in the city of Recife, capital of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil from November 23 to 26, 2009.
  • In March 2010 he was invited as a member of the Society of Latin American and European Writers (SELAE) Headquarters in Milan, Italy.
  • Member of the Global Network of Writers in Spanish: REMES. 2009.
  • Director of the Documentation Center and Library of the Simón Bolívar Andean University – La Paz Academic Headquarters (2009-2011). University founded by the Andean Parliament 1n 1985, operates in the five nations of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN).
  • The Government and Parliament of Kazakhstan invited you to participate in the World Forum of Spiritual Culture (WFSC) October 10-20, 2010. Capital Astana.
  • He is a member of the World International Fund of Creators of the Future. Russia, Moscow, 2010 and member the World Poetry Movement WPM.
  • He received the Solenzara International Poetry Grand Prize, Université de la Sorbonne, Paris, France 2013.

http://institutcultureldesolenzara.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24:francisco-azuela-espinosa&catid=2:beneficiaires&Itemid=6       http://institutcultureldesolenzara.org/

  • Menzione particulare XXIX Nósside World Poetry Prize of Italy, 2013.
  • Selected among the 20 finalists of the LAIA 2014. Annual International Literature Contest, Poemas: Ensueño, organized by the Culture department of the Latin American Intercultural Alliance, New York.
  • He was invited to participate together with fifty poets from twelve countries in the 45th International Poetry Festival “Poet Smederevo’s Autumn”, which took place from October 14 to 16, 2014 in Smederevo, Serbia.
  • Menzione Straordinaria XXXI Nósside World Poetry Prize, Italy, 2015.
  • Since 2016 he has been a permanent qualifying jury of the Ángel Ganivet International Literary Contest, convened by the Association of Friendly Countries based in Helsinki (Finland) with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He is a member of the National Committee for the Memory of the World – Bolivia (MOWLAC). Paris: UNESCO. Vice Presidency of the Plurinational State. La Paz, April 21, 2016.

On July 13, 2017, the Iconographic Museum of Don Quixote in Guanajuato, which is an institution of international prestige, nominated him before the Council of the Federal Ministry of Culture as a candidate for the National Prize for Literature and Linguistics of Mexico.

Video message requested by Dr. Liubov Gordina for the opening ceremony of the “Noosfera Espiritual Ecologica World Assembly on the Theory of Time”, held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. Moscow, November 25, 2017.

Francisco Azuela Latin American poet. Short film. Mexico, 2019.





Member of the World organization of writers. OME


Since 2016, he has been a permanent Jury of the International Literary Competition “Ángel Ganivet” 2019 (Helsinki, Finland).

Vincitori Assoluti XXXV Premio Mundiale di Poesía Nósside, Italy, 2020.

Candidate of the Simón I. Patiño University of Bolivia for the 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature.


He is the author of the following books:


El Maldicionero (1981) Autonomous University of Honduras, 1981)


El Tren de Fuego (1993) The Fire Train (1st Edition. Institute of Culture of the

                State of Guanajuato, 1993)


La Parole Ardente – The Ardent Word. Edición bilingüe (1st bilingual Edition,

                John Donne & Cie. Collection Les Compagnons d’Orphée, directed by Samuel

                Brejar. Paris, 1993).

La Parole Ardente (2nd bilingual Edition. Plural Editors. Authors of America

                Collection, La Paz, Bolivia, 2002)

Son las Cien de la Tarde – It’s One Houndred P.M. in the Evening (1996) It’s

                one hundred in the afternoon (1st Edition. Institute of Culture of the State of

                Guanajuato, nineteen ninety six).

Ángel del Mar de mis Sueños – The sea’s Angel of ​​my Dreams (1st Edition. El

                                       Cóndor de los Andes International Cultural Center-Águila Azteca, A.C.

                Cochabamba, Bolivia, 2000)

Son las Cien de la tarde 2ª Ed (2000)

Parole Ardente 2ª Ed (2002) Edición bilingüe

Collection of Books. Collection of Poems and Texts in several languages (2008)​​

  • Anthology of Silence (Brief poetic stories and other songs)
  • Cordillera Real de los Andes (Jacha’a Tata Janqo Khajiri Qollunaka)
  • Encuentro de Thunupa y Quetzalcoatl. Meeting of Thunupa and

      Quetzalcoatl (Thunupa, Tupac Katari and Juancito Pinto)

  • Nuevamente Thunupa y Quetzalcoatl.

The Ardent Word-La Parole Ardente-The Ardent Word. Trilingual edition Antares Publishing House of Spanish Culture Glendon College, York University. Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2008).

       https://www.antarespublishinghouse.org/product-page/la-palabra-ardiente-la-parole-      ardente-the-ardent-word-2008   

Latinoamérica en Llamas. Latin America in Flames (2011)


Encuentro de grandes poetas persas-Isfahan. Meeting of Great Persian Poets-Isfahan (2012)

Nuevamente el pasado está adelante. Once again the past is ahead (2012)

LATINSKA AMERIKA U PLAMENU (Latin America on Fire) 1st Ed. In Serbian of the Association of Hispanists of Serbia. Belgrade, 2015.

Chinese translation of poems by Francisco Azuela. “WORLD POETRY YEARBOOK 2013”, plotted by The International Poetry Translation and Research Center (IPTRC), co-edited by Dr. CHOI LAI SHEUNG, a famous poet in Hong Kong and Dr. ZHANG ZHI, President of IPTRC, and jointly translated and revised by Prof. ZHANG ZHIZHONG and Ms. Sophy Chen, famous poetry translators. It has been published by THE EARTH CULTURE PRESS in June 2014.

When silence breaks out. Autobiographical sketch on the occasion of his first 70 years (1948-2018 …) 50 years of poetry, short stories, translations and critiques with texts in nine languages ​​and recent poems (2018)


The lonely song of birds (2020)

The torn song of the gods (2020)

Dictators and usurpers of contemporary history (Sinister figures and treacherous of political power, espionage and crime in the 20th and 21st centuries) Compilation, selection and notes by Francisco Azuela.

Global political leaders and social activists of the 20th and 21st centuries. Compilation, selection and notes by Francisco Azuela.

  • The prisoner of the Andes. Poems and a short story about time. Will be published in 2021.
  • Poetry flies on the wings of language (La poesía vuela en las alas del lenguaje) 2021.


  • Rotonda de Gatos Ilustres. Pantheón des Chats Illustres – Rotunda of Illustrious Cats. (1st bilingual Edition. Embassade de France in Bolivie. Alliance Française. Plural Editores. La Paz, Bolivia, 2007). 


Videos, diplomas and book covers by Francisco Azuela

·        Cd Rom “Le printemps des poètes”, embajada de brasil en Bolivia 2. 


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