Home Portali Art & Kulturë Fahredin Shehu

Fahredin Shehu


Photo credits to Rromir Imami, Macedonia 2018

Born in Rahovec, South East of Kosova, in 1972. Graduated at Prishtina University, Oriental Studies.

 Actively works on Calligraphy discovering new mediums and techniques for this specific for of plastic art.

 Certified expert in Andragogy/ Capacity Building, Training delivery, Coaching and Mentoring, Facilitating etc.

 In last fifteen years he operated as Independent Scientific Researcher in the field of World Spiritual Heritage and Sacral Esthetics.

 Work history

 October 2016 – present- RTK- Editor in Chief- Educational and Scientific program

 September 2006- RTK Board Of Director’s Administrator-

Implementing RTK BoD policies, preparing Minutes of the meetings, Office management, International correspondence with RTK BoD International members, Travel Regional and European Public Broadcasters Liaison etc 

 October 2005 –March 2006, Head of Office Humanitarian Law Center- Prishtinë

  • Office and staff management– on day to day basis, delegation of responsibilities;
  • Capacity building– training volunteers in the human rights working for HLC;
  • Organizing field research- delegation of staff and preparing work plans and their distribution according to the area of research;
  • Trial monitoring– monitoring the trials in the Supreme Court of Kosova, for ethnically based crimes;
  • Media monitoring– monitoring main written media in Kosova on reporting on ethnic violations;
  • Report writing- writing monthly reports, semester reports, annual reports, Financial and narrative reports in different projects implemented by HLC office in Prishtina;
  • Implementing projects of population losses in Kosovë– working on a Kosovo book of dead as HLC project for the population losses from every ethnic groups in Kosova;
  • Minority rights in practice– monitoring the violations of minority rights and producing report on Minority rights in practice, (please see the link: http://www.proasyl.de/fileadmin/proasyl/fm_redakteure/Newsletter_Anhaenge/110/minor_kos.pdf).
  • Part taking in the conference of regional partners, organized by King Baudouin Foundation and Reporting on Minority Rights in Practice in EU Parliament in Brussels, November 2005

 March 2005- October 2005 Director for Culture, Sport and Youth in Rahovec Municipality

  • Management of Directorates budget- developing cultural policies in Municipal level and managing with budget of respective directorate
  • Staff management- Supervising 14 staff members of Albanian and Serbian ethnical background;
  • Library- developing plans for enrichment of the book fund in the municipal library;
  • Cultural heritage- actively supporting the manager for protection of cultural monuments in drafting a report and a book on cultural monuments within the municipality
  • Culture, Sport and Youth activities- Developing and implementing different project in respective sectors like music festivals, artistic colonies, book presentations, exhibitions, sport tournaments, and youth related activities.

 April 2004- March 2005, OSCE/ KPSS Vushtrri / specialized training/ for Kosovo Police Service, General Policing, Forensics, Drug, Custom, Ballistic, Investigation, Intelligence courses, delivering trainings, planning the curriculum etc.

 September 2003 April 2004 -Program Officer for Global Perspective Development Center – Curriculum developer/trainer covering Governmental and Non Governmental Youth Capacity Building on Value Based Leadership. Please see the link: http://www.rabbanitrust.org/papers2004/Kosovo_ValueBasedLeadershipTraining.doc

 January 2001-December 2002          Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Elections Trainer

I was responsible for training local and international staff in Election Procedures, as support for subsequent democratic elections in Kosovo.  I worked effectively in a team, reporting to my Head of Office.  Training was done in three languages: Albanian and Serbian for local counterparts and in English for International colleagues.  I also conducted training courses in Serb enclaves in Kosovo, which I hope proves my ability to work objectively in politically hazardous areas.  I have also acted as a departmental interpreter, and assistant, working with a supervisor to prepare election material, village assessments, and maps, as well as to recruit staff (interpreters and drivers).  On election days, I acted as the Chair member of the Election Day In-Take Team.  Training courses conducted are listed below:

  • Types of Electoral Systems – delivered to MEC for three Municipalities;
  • Compliance with and Appeals to the Electoral Complaints and Appeals Commission – delivered to OSCE staff 2002;
  • Early Voting 2002;
  • Homebound by Fear and Disabilities Voting 2002;
  • Voter Service Periods, 2001 and 2002;
  • Special Needs Voting 2002;
  • International Polling Station Supervisor Training 2001;
  • Challenge Period – delivered to local and international staff 2001;
  • Training of trainers for the Polling and Counting Procedures 2001;
  • Quality Control on Election Day 2001 and 2002;
  • Chair Member of in-take team on Election Day-in a group with MEC (Municipal Election Commission) and IPPS (International Polling Station Supervisor) 2001 and 2002;
  • Language Assistant OSCE Election Department/ working for Core Supervisor in preparing election material, village assessments, preparing maps, interviewing interpreters, recruiting drivers, where I show my workaholic aptitudes of staying long hours at workplace with exceeded expectations;

July 1999 – May 2000                                   Kosovo Force (KFOR) Interpreter

Dec. 1998 – Jan.1999                                                UKKDOM Language Assistant

Jan. 1999 – Mar. 1999                                  Kosovo Verification Mission (KVM) Language Assistant

Sep. 1998 – Jun. 2000                                   English Teacher, Secondary School, Rahovec, Kosovo

Jun. 2000                                                        Team Leader and Secretary, NGO ‘Art Studio’, Literature and Drama


Training Courses attended & Representations:

  • Conference on Ibn Khaldun 600 anniversary with the call of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt, Cairo. Dec. 2006
  • International center for Transitional Justice, Essential course on TJ in Leuven, Belgium, Feb. 2006
  • King Baudouin Foundation Partners meeting on Minority Rights in Practice program, in Brussels, November 2005
  • 44th International Poetry event in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 2005
  • European Integration Symposium, Istanbul (European culture, Integration Policy, concepts and modalities on Integrations etc.)
  • Conflict analysis-OSCE Capacity Building
  • Team building-OSCE Capacity Building
  • Gender Awareness-OSCE Capacity Building
  • Religion and Conflict Resolution-OSCE Capacity Building
  • Training of Trainers – Fundamentals of Training
  • Coaching and Monitoring techniques, OSCE Capacity Building
  • ELT English Language Teaching Seminar
  • Photographic Techniques, Summer Camp to promote interethnic dialogue between groups from the former Yugoslavia
  • NGO Development Training – East West Management Institute: how to write e projects how to deal with difficult cases in management
  • Election Training for Trainers -OSCE Capacity Building
  • Elections Commissions Training, IFES
  • Communication skills-OSCE Capacity Building
  • Presentation skills-OSCE Capacity Building 

Published books:

  1. NUN- collection of mystical poems, 1996 author’s edition,
  2. INVISIBLE PLURALITY- Poetical prose, 2000, author’s edition
  3. NEKTARINA- Novel, Transcendental Epic, 2004, publishing House, Rozafa Prishtinë- project of Ministry of Culture Sport and Youth of Kosova
  4. ELEMENTAL 99- Short poetical mystical stories, 2006, Center for positive thinking, Prishinë
  5. KUN- collection of transcendental lyrics, 2007, Publishing House LOGOS-A, Skopje, Macedonia
  6. DISMANTLE OF HATE, E-book 2010, Ronin Press, London,
  7. CRYSTALINE ECHOES, Poetry, Hard copy and e-book 2011, Corpos Editora- Porto, Portugal
  8. PLEROMA’S DEW, Poem, Hard copy and Kindle/ Amazon Edition, 2012 Inner Child Press, New York, USA
  9. EMERALD MACADAM, Essays, Columns, Opinions, Presentations, Academic papers on Culture, Art, Spirituality, 2012, Positive Initiative, Prishtina, Kosovo
  10. MULBERRIES, Novel, Hard copy, LOGOS-A- Skopje, Macedonia, 2012
  11. BALKANS AND ISLAM- contributor,  Cambridge Scholars Publisher, 2012.
  12. HONEYCOMB, Novel, Author’s edition, 2013
  13. THE PEN, selceted poems, Arhipelag, Belgrade Serbia, 2013.
  14. MAELSTROM- The Four Scrolls of an Illyrian Sage, Inner Child Press, New Jersey, USA, 2014.
  15. BONDS, selected poems, Inner Child Press, New Jersey. USA, 2017
  16. ELISIR, selected poems, Pelicano Libri- Roma, Italy, 2017
  17. NEON CHILD, selected poems, Inner Child Press, New Jersey, 2018
  18. Paryer’s Rug, selected peoms, Armagedoni, Prishtina, 2019 

Research papers and presentations:

  • Politics, Religion, Arrogance, State- Egypt
  • Mysticism, Islamic Mysticism, Surawardi Maqtul- Kosovo
  • Reconstruction of Identity and its sustainability  among Kosovo Albanians- Turkey
  • Sema, Semazen, Esotericism and the Art of Rumi- UNESCO –Albania
  • Grimoires- Rational reading of Irrational Texts- Kosovo
  • Literature (Translation) and Art as bridge to Cultures- Kosovo
  • The Remembrance of Ashura in Kosovo- Iran
  • The expectation of Albanians and Serbs from the Kosovo Serbia Dialogue- Serbia
  • Mehmet Akif Ersoy as common value (Albanian-Turkish)- Kosovo
  • The Marriage and Family according to Fethullah Gulen- Kosovo
  • Ahmsta Kebzeh- Murat Yagan and Caucasian Yoga- Kosovo
  • Laleh Bakhtiar- First woman to translate Holly Qur’an- Kosovo
  • Kudsi Erguner- Sufi Music in Sorbonne- Kosovo
  • Osho Rajneesh on Objective Art- Kosovo
  • Zaha Hadid- massive architectural sculptures- Kosovo
  • Loreena Mc Kennitt- West East Musical fusion- Kosovo

 Issues on papers and magazines:

The Book of Poetry E-Book in Ronin press, London, UK

The book of Poetry in Nadwah Press, Hong Kong

Poetry on Magazine of Center for Humanistic studies GANI BOBI, Prishtinë, Kosovë

Essays on Journal “Oriental Studies”, Kosova Orientalist’s Association. Kosovë

Poetry in Magazine STAV- Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Poetry in Magazine ZIVOT- Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Poetry in Magazine ULAZNICA- Zrenjanin, Vojvodina

Poetry in Magazine URRA- Tirana, Albania

Poetry in Magazine POETA- Belgrade, Serbia

Poetry in Magazine, ISTANBUL LITERARY REVIEW, Istanbul, Turkey

Poetry in Magazine, MOBIUS MAGAZINE, New York, USA

Poetry in Magazine OBELISK, Tirana, Albania

THE WORLD POETS QUARTERLY (multilingual) VOLUME No. 58, Bei Jing, China


Lexicon of Kosovo Albanian Writers 1501- 2001, Prishtina, Kosovo

Poetry at Sarajevske Sveske 2010, Sarajevo, Bosnia

Poetry in Balkan Writers, Belgrade, Serbia

Poetry at Poetas del Mundo, Santiaogo de Chile

Poetry at Mediterranean, Gotteborg, Sweden

Poetry at Aquillrelle, Brussels, Belgium

Poetry at Poem hunter, USA

Poetry at World Poets Society, Athens, Greece

Poetry at Albpoem, Albania

Poetry at Soylesi Poetry Magazine, Istanbul, Turkey

Poetry at revista ura, Tirana, Albania

Poetry at Uzina Marta, Brasil

Poetry at Arabic and Nadwah, Hong Kong

Poetry Romanian version Oriental Meu, Bucharest, Romania

Poetry at Agonia , Bucharest, Romania

Poetry and profile at Carty’s Poetry Journal, Dublin, Ireland

Poetry and profile at Blue Max Magazine, Dublin, Ireland

Poetry at Middle East Online, London

Poetry in English on The Sound of Poetry Review, Argentina

Poetry at Le post, Paris, France

Poetry at Aube,Paris, France

Poetry at24 heures, Geneve, Zwitzerland

Poetry at Tribune de Geneve, Geneve, Switzerland

Poetry and Calligraphy at World Art Friends, Portugal

Poetry at lechasseurabstrait. Publisher, Patric Cintas, RAL,M Revue d’Art, et litterature, Musique, Paris, France

Poetry at Arte Poetica, Salvador

Poetry at Carcinogenic Poetry, Brasil

Poetry at Album Nocturno, Salvador

Poetry at Anthology HYPERLINK “http://poetassigloveintiuno.blogspot.com/2011/06/3902-fahredin-shehu.html”HYPERLINK “http://poetassigloveintiuno.blogspot.com/2011/06/3902-fahredin-shehu.htmHYPERLINK “http://poetassigloveintiuno.blogspot.com/2011/06/3902-fahredin-shehu.html”HYPERLINK “http://poetassigloveintiuno.blogspot.com/2011/06/3902-fahredin-shehuPoetas Siglo Ventiuno,  Madrid, Spain

Poetry at CHECK POINT POETRY, Le Reti di Dedalus, Italy

Poetry at  Author India, India

Poetry at Pagina de Andres Morales, Chile

Poetry at Cinosargo, Arica, Chile

Poetry at Grey Scale, Nigeria

Poetry at Snow in Guinea Magazine, 13 º NUMBER OF LITERARY MAGAZINE 
LVII No. of 2nd etapa/01-07-2011

Poetry at La Granada, No. 2,  Oslo, Norway 

Poetry at Othervoices.org. USA

Poetry at Poetry Blis Anthology, India, 2012

Poetry at Healnig World Anthology, New York, USA

Poetry at Aquillrelle, Brussels, Belgium

Poetry at Letras TLR, Mexico City, Mexico

Poetry at Realidades Y Fictiones, ed. Hector Zabala, Buenos Aires Argentina

Poetry at Poemish, USA

Poetry at Best Poems Encyclopedia, USA

Poetry at Froward Poetry, UK

Poetry at Ann Arbour Review, Michigan, USA

Poetry at Coldnoon Lityerary Magazine, Jawhalal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

Poetry at Galway Review, Ireland

Poetry at Margute Poesia, Italy

Poetry at Otkrita Literatura, Bulgaria

Poetry at Rochford Street Review, Australia

Poetry at Poems Without Borders, Macedonia

Translating Arrabal, Le Regal Du Jeu, France

Poetry at Anthology, Alquimia de la Terra, Universidad da Huelva, Spain

Poetry at Anthology, Alquimia de la Sal, Universidad da Huelva, Spain

Poetry at Trafika Europe, Paris, France

Poetry at Love Postcards Anthology, Mexico

Poetry at POEM- Taylor and Frances, Routledge London, UK

Articles in www.worldbulletin.com, Istanbul, Turkey

Articles in www.newropeansmagazine.com, Strasbourg, France

Books at http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Fahredin%20Shehu%22, USA


  • Exhibition of Calligraphies in Cairo, Egypt, 2004
  • Sarajevo 44th Poetry Meeting, Sarajevo 2005
  • Congress on 600th anniversary of the work of Abdurrahman Ibn Khaldun, Cairo, Egypt, 2006
  • Meeting for the ethnic minority rights, European Parliament, Bruxelles, 2006
  • Exhibition of paintings and calligraphies at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Cairo Egypt, 2007
  • Participation on the Congress on 800th anniversary of a Persian Poet RUMI, organized by
  • UNESCO/Albania and Saadi Shirazi Foundation, Tirana, Albania, 2008
  • Participation at the International conference on Islam and Balkan- Identity and building bridges, Canakkale, Turkey, 2010
  • Participation at 13th International Sheikh Tousi Conference, Qom, Teheran, Mashhad, Iran, 2010
  • Participation at Conference on Regional Cooperation, Kopaonik Serbia, 2011
  • Participation at International Poetry Festival Voix de la Mediterranee, Lodeve France, 2011
  • Participation at Struga Poetry Events- 50th anniversary, Struga, Macedonia, 2011
  • Participation at PEN Macedonia Regional Conference, Skopje, 2011
  • Participation at Nisan Poetry Festival in Maghar, Galilee, Nazareth, Israel, 2012
  • Participation at Fermoy Poetry Festival in Fermoy, Ireland, 2012
  • Participation at PEN Macedonia 50th anniversary and Regional cooperation, Skopje, Macedonia 2013
  • Participation at Malta Literary Festival and Workshop, Valletta, Malta 2013
  • Participation at SUR Poetry Festival, Zagreb, Croatia, 2015
  • International Poetry Festival, MAELSTROM, Brussels, Belgium, 2016
  • International Poetry Festival, Sapanca, Turkey, 2016
  • International Poetry Festival, Vilenica, Slovenia, 2017
  • 100 000 Poets for change- Strumica, Macedonia, 2017
  • International Poetry Festival, Ratkoviceve Veceri Poezije, Bjelopolje, 2018

 Translated in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Roma, Swedish, Turkish, Arabic, Hebrew, Romanian, Mongolian, Chinese, Maltese, Frisian, Sicilian, Bengali, Bhahasa

 Wrote many reviews, edited many books and anthologies, to mention: World Healing World Peace, Two volumes Anthology, Inner Child Press USA.

 Ambassador of Poets to Albania by Poetas del Mundo, Santiago de Chile

 Ambassador of Spanish Language- Museo De Palabra, Egidio Serrano Foundation, Madrid, Spain

 Member of the Publishing and Editing Committee, at the Kosovo Ministry for Culture, Youth and Sport 2012- 2015.

 Member of World Association of Writers

 Member of World Poetry Movement

 Member of the Kosovo PEN Center

 Laureate of gold medal for poetry as bridge to Nations, Axlepin Publishing, Phillipines

 Poet of the year 2014, Turkish Literary Magazine, IMZA, Yunus Emre Institute, Prishtina, Kosovo.

 Award winning Poet Agim Ramadani, Stubëll- 2014.

Award winnig Poet, Naaji Naaman Prize for Poetry, Beirut, Lebanon, 2016

Member of Book and Publication Commitee- Ministry of Culturem Youth and Sport, (2012- 2015).

Pulitzer Prize Niominated 2017

Certificate of Merit- Wolrd Union of Writers, Mexico

 Director of International Poetry Festival- “Poetry and Wine”- Rahovec, Kosovo

 Founder of Fund for Cultural Education and Heritage in Kosovo


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