Taeko Uemura is a Japanese poet and writer, director of Japan Universal Poets Association, Kyoto, member of the Japan Pen Club and the Kansai Poets Association. She published several poetry collections and has been invited at many famous international poetry festivals such as Struga Poetry Evenings, Macedonia (2012, 2013, 2015), Europa in Versi in Como, Incontro di Poesia in Milano, Genoa International Poetry Festival, Italy.
An eternal life dwells in wine
because the grapes keep the sun inside
a grain of light
becomes a shining crystal
and wine becomes
the sparkling sunlight we drink
When one pours white wine in a glass
I swirl it clockwise to the right
when one pours red wine in a glass
I swirl it to the left
the reverse direction
I will say a prayer
so that lies become truth
so that truth becomes a lie
At the crossing point
the passion of the sun sets for me
the spirit of love.
Translation: Mariko Sumikura – Germain Droogenbroodt