Home Ballina Peter Andrej- Slovenia

Peter Andrej- Slovenia


Peter Andrejpoet and singer, musician and music producer.

He started performing in the 1980s as a member of the legendary Lauženki iz nahkasla, which performed the mixture of musical ballads and parodies around Styria. https://www.youtube.com/lauzenki

Audiography, bibliography, Poetry, theater and children:

So far he has  published 13 music albums https://soundcloud.com/peter-andrej and 3 books of poems, stories and songs for children. There were performed 5 of his musicals … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pO14P7AJCw8

He made the music for the poems of Eluard, F.G. Lorca, B. Brecht, O. Župančič, Erika Vouk, Boris A. Novak, Aleš Šteger and many others. As a singer-song writer he was presenting them at the Lent festival Maribor, Cankarjev dom – main cultural and congress centre of Slovenia , Borštnikovo Maribor, the most prominent theatre festival in Slovenia, KUD France Prešeren center of culture, Ljubljana… His music was performed on the stages in Trieste, Denmark, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Spain … The album Libero, 2009 (producer legendary Drago Mlinarec) made him one of the most prominent Slovenian singer-songwriters.

https://www.youtube.com/POVABILO NA ČAJ     https://www.youtube.com/TUJEC

https://www.youtube.com/NORCI IN OTROCI     https://www.youtube.com/KURENT

Production work:

  • Since 2003 to 2019 he is the producer of the songwriters Kantfest International – Festival of Contemporary Art which connects and represents the domestic and foreign singer-song writer scene. He is also the producer of 17 records and represents the entire production of the festival. https://soundcloud.com/kantfest-international
  • He is producer of the Pohorje Fairy Tales Festival (7 years old), who explores fairy-tale heritage in connection with nature.
  • Producer of the International poetic meeting of the Združene države poezije/ United space of Poetry(11 years) and festival Glazerjevi dnevi /Glazers days (9 years).



je izginil, izginil

čarovnik, ki je čaral zajčke

iz sinjega klobuka,

izginili zajčki,

ki so se dobrikali

lovcu in skakali pred cevjo

s svojo milino,

nas spravljali v jok

in v sprevod norosti.

Sled je frigidna.

Kdor ne razume žarka,

bo premog.

Izginil je …

© peter andrej


he disappeared…

disappeared, the magician…

he, who puts a spell on the bunnies

from the blue hat

disappeared, the bunnies,

cute and soft,

jumping in front of

the hunter’s gun

with merciful eyes

leaving us in tears

and in the flow of our madness

the traces lead nowhere

the one who doesn’t follow the ray of light

shall become ashes

when passing by

he disappeared…

Translated from Macedonian into English: Elena Prendjova ©

Peter Andrej

skoz zvočni zid

skoz zvočni zid

v srce sonca

misel leti stran od podob

v poku neslišnem tali se telo

popki marelice otrok v joku

skoz zvočni zid

žge hrepenenje

kipenje spomina magma besed

kriki groze v krikih slasti

vse v modrem plamenu gori

izpusti pozabi

duše ki tu so zato da služijo vdano enemu namenu

izpusti pozabi

podobe zrcala v zrcalu ki se izmikajo pravemu imenu

skoz zvočni zid

izginja val s peščene obale

izginja črta horizonta

pika v piki

luknja v sliki

pulzira oranžno

neznosna nedolžnost

© peter andrej

through the sound wall

through the sound wall

into the heart of the sun

a thought is flying away from the images

in the soundless bang body melts

buds of the apricot tree a child crying

through the sound wall

the longing burns

the bubbling of memory magma of words

screams of horror in screams of passion

all is burning in a blue flame

let go forget

the souls who are here to faithfully serve only one purpose

let go forget

images of a mirror in a mirror evading the real name

through the sound wall

a wave from a sandy beach disappears

a line on the horizon disappears

a dot in a dot

a hole in a picture

pulsating in orange

unbearable innocence

© Translated from Slovenian into English by:

Katarina Juvančič


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