Home Ballina Ramiz Huremagić- Bosnia

Ramiz Huremagić- Bosnia


Ramiz Huremagić, from Cazin, born in 1972. Lives in Sarajevo since 1995. He studied undergraduate studies in Zagreb and Sarajevo, and obtained a master’s degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the Cardiff Univesity, UK. Canned fodder 1992-1995. He investigated serious and organised crime for more than nine years.

Co-author, with writer Izet Perviz, a script for feature-length feature film „Dim Duhana – Smoke of Tobacco“ awarded in 2004 at the Foundation for cinematography of the FBiH. Also, the same year, in the official selection of CINELINK program for script development at the Sarajevo Film Festival.

In 2003 he worked on the production of the BBC series „Days That Shook the World – Sarajevo Assassination“, filmed in Sarajevo.

In 2013, his poetry book „U svijetu bučnih ljudi – In the world of Noisy People“ published by TKD Šahinpašić as one of the awarded works of the Publishing Foundation of the FBiH for 2012. His poetry was published in various magazines and journals.

The second poetry book „Čekičanje vremena – The hammering of the Time“ was published in 2016 This book was shortlisted in 2017 for the best book of poetry at the competition „Ratkovic’s evenings of poetry“.

The third book of poetry „MIOSTRAH“ was published in April 2018.

Co-author with Ana Isaković a drama play „Da li bi htela da se još ponekad nađemo – igrokaz o silovanju (Would you like to meet again sometimes – a rape game)“, selected among the best five plays at the regional HEARTEFACT competition for the best new play in the region for 2017.

He writes poetry, short stories, scripts for short and feature films, theater plays. He is currently working on one short film as a director and screenwriter, and one documentary film as the author of the film.

He is one of the founders and president of the Center for Culture, Arts and Society SAMOUPRAVA from Sarajevo, which represents a kind of platform for authors in the field of culture, arts and social research.

He is a member of the PEN Center of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Shapes of Death

This late October

The snow was making

White sheets


Death was keeping

The shapes of my childhood

That summer

I burried my dog

It was the last time I wore

My shorts

I saw the sheets

Only on my deceased grandfather


Some people reach us

In the cycles coming

Form the third part of the Eternity

We always needed them

Just for a moment,

That special one

Solstice of hush

Tongue is tied in a knot

Top of it flails like

Sacrificial sheep

Hush is proof of hell

You know that unspoken word

Takes you over the Bridge of Hell

Whereas the word is captured

In a tied tongue

Not even a hush soulmate to hush with

Only a real solstice

Of her very existence

As a sign that even God had no voice

This sublime communication

By which the love is observed hush

And unlove is spoken out

Life in delay

                              (toward Ladin’s heavenly freedom)

I am scared that

When I get onto

The other world

I do not find


Him not to

Pass away again

On a runaway into the third


Not to get a chance

To suffer with him

At least for a day

Endlessly to

Trot behind him

One life

One torment

* Ilija Ladin (1929-2001), a Bosnian poet

Life Flow Diagram

If I am not me

If you are not you

Then we are not us

Just merely

Two conjoined  I’s


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