ELENA LILIANA POPESCU (1948, Turnu Măgurele, Romania) is Doctor in Mathematics and Professor at the University of Bucharest, Romania. She is poet, translator and editor, member of the Writers’ Union of Romania and of Romanian PEN Centre. She has published more than 35 books, of poetry and translations from English, French and Spanish, both in Romania and abroad. Among her books one can mention: Ţie (To You, 1994); Cânt de Iubire – Song of Love (1994; second edition revised, 2007); Peregrino (Pilgrim, Spain, 2004); Himno a La Existencia (Hymn to Existence, Mexico, 2006); Chinese version of Song of Love (Taiwan, 2006; second revised edition in English and Chinese, Taiwan, 2010); Cât de aproape … Lo cerca que estabas … (How close…, 2007); Poeme (Poems, in Romanian and Urdu, Pakistan, 2008); Peregrino (Pilgrim, Brazil, 2009); Dacă (the poem If and 42 translations in different languages, 2009); Hymn to the Life (Taiwan, 2011) volume of poetry dedicated to her husband Nicolae; Além do azul – Dincolo de azur (Beyond to azure), bilingual edition (Brazil, 2012) (with Luciano Maia); Trei poeme din Europa – Three Poems from Europe (Pelerin Press, Bucharest, 2013), 42-lingual volume, dedicated to the memory of her husband; Cânt de Iubire – Song of Love – Chanson dAmour, (Pelerin Press, Bucharest, Romania and Destine Literare Press, Montreal, Canada, 2013); Cânt de Iubire – Canto de Amor (Song of Love, Trilce Press, Salamanca, Spain, 2014), Spanish version by Joaquín Garrigós and Moisés Castillo, foreword de Hugo Gutiérrez Vega, illustrations de Miguel Elías; Doar tăcerile – Csak a hallgatásokat (Europrint Press, 2015), bilingual volume, translated in hungarian by Irén P. Tóth; Trei Poeme din Europa – Three Poems from Europa (Sud Est Top Production, Bucharest, 2016), multilingual audiobook in European Union languages; Cânt de Iubire – Canto d’amore (Ed. Pellicano, collection Poetry by the Planet, Roma, Italy, 2016), italian version by Stefano Strazzabosco, preface by Antonino Caponnetto. Some of her poems have been translated in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Serbian, Chinese, French, Italian, Dutch, Albanian, Latin, Bengali, Urdu and published in various anthologies and in different literary magazines from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Mexico, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Poland, Porto Rico, Republic of Moldova, Salvador, Serbia, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, Uruguay, USA.  Also she had published, in literary magazines, translations of more than ninety classic and contemporary poets. Her personal page web can be visited http://www.elena-liliana-popescu.ro

Please click the links below to see full CV and poems in Romanian and English


Poems in English ELP-poems ro-engl-1

Books by Elena




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