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Dajia Literature Magazine- China



大家文学网2022-01-08 02:00


(1)That day︱【法赫丁·谢胡(Fahredin Shehu

(2)THE POWER OF EDUCATION ︱【洛弗林·P·埃约(Lovelyn P. Eyo

(3)IT’S ME!︱【马塞尔·沙伊努罗维奇·萨利莫夫


(4)Always Smile︱【伊登·索里亚诺·特立尼达(Eden Soriano Trinidad

(5)BARSAAT︱【斯马拉格迪·米特罗普洛(Smaragdi Mitropoulou

(6)Times Square ︱【莉迪亚·基亚雷利(Lidia Chiarelli

(7)Empathy is a learning path︱【安特耶·斯特恩(Antje Stehn

(8)I Have Hidden Myself︱【埃韦利娜·玛丽亚·布加伊斯卡·贾沃卡(Ewelina Maria Bugajska Javorka)

(9)Lovely Summer Afternoon︱【潘胡里·辛哈(Pankhuri Sinha)

(10)We Are Not Told︱【克劳迪娅·皮奇诺(Claudia Piccinno)

(11)Pray︱【安娜·史翠嘉(Ana Stjelja )

(12)A Fistful of Sea︱【米歇拉·萨纳雷拉(Michela Zanarella)

(13)Beyond the Acheron︱【卢西拉·特拉帕佐(Lucilla Trapazzo)

(14)Весна – шалунья︱【叶莲娜·格里戈里耶夫娜·阿纳涅娃(Елена Григорьевна Ананьева)

(15)Homeland With Instalments︱【克桑西·洪德鲁·希尔(Xanthi Hondrou-Hill)

(16)Wave of Dreams︱【阿布杜卡赫·科西莫夫(Abdukakhor Kosimov)

(17)I Ask Myself︱【伊娃·彼得罗普鲁·利诺伊(Eva Petropoulou Lianoy)

(18)THЕ SHARP EDGE OF NIGHT︱【奥尔加·列瓦德娜娅(Ольга Левадная)

(19)MORE THAN ANYONE EVER︱【比索·娜塔莉(BissoNatalie)

(20)Bread︱【萨布丽娜·德·卡尼奥(Sabrina De Canio )

1That day

It was a blue frog that

jumped in front of me and

the splash of water as green

as emerald sparkling

almost scared the skin

of a young lad with theeyes of the senile

A Shaman lady from Mexico

foretold my tenth life

in that binary code I dwell

for the last life on Earth

So much smell and taste I got

to be only a mere confused

Human unaware of Pandemics

I use to live secluded

far before the semi creature

took so many lives of Men

and the Men never turned their

glance back to arrow the skin

of the beautiful World like

I patterned the symbol of Love

on the forehead of my Beloved


那是 一只蓝色的青蛙,

跳到了 我的面前,

池水 仿佛凝绿,

似翡翠一般 闪闪发光。


它是一个 长着老人眼的,



预示了 我的第十次命运,


仿似此星球上的 最后的生长。

嗅到了 繁复的滋味,

隐隐 唯有一丝困惑,

人类为何 对疫情 无知如盲。

曾几时 过着与世隔绝的生活,

那是在 混沌初胎之间,


却人哪 从未回首,

重观 来时的源头,

在此 美好的世界游荡。

仿似 我创造了爱的象征,

就在我 挚爱的额头之上。

【法赫丁·谢胡(Fahredin Shehu),1972年出生于科索沃东南部的拉霍韦茨,毕业于普里什蒂纳大学东方研究系。瑞士Universum学院荣誉博士、荣誉学者,曾获得联邦金质奖章。





Dajia Literature Magazine is a literary journal approved by the State Press and publication administration.This journal is published nationwide and sponsored by Qinghai Federation of literary and artistic circles.

Since January 2022, Dajia Literature Magazine will cooperate with Tao Shan Magazine and open an international office, which will be headed by James Tian(田宇). Each issue will publish the works of international poets of Tao Shan magazine, and each issue will publish the works of 20 international poets

International standard serial publication No.: ISSN 1674-5213

National uniform serial publication No.: CN 63-1067 / I


List of the works of international poets published in the first issue of 2022 (to be published in February,2022):

法赫丁·谢胡(Fahredin Shehu)
洛弗林·P·埃约(Lovelyn P. Eyo)
马塞尔·沙伊努罗维奇·萨利莫夫(Марсель Шайнурович САЛИМОВ)
伊登·索里亚诺·特立尼达(Eden Soriano Trinidad)
斯马拉格迪·米特罗普洛(Smaragdi Mitropoulou)
莉迪亚·基亚雷利(Lidia Chiarelli)
安特耶·斯特恩(Antje Stehn)
埃韦利娜·玛丽亚·布加伊斯卡·贾沃卡(Ewelina Maria Bugajska Javorka)
潘胡里·辛哈(Pankhuri Sinha)
克劳迪娅·皮奇诺(Claudia Piccinno)
安娜·史翠嘉(Ana Stjelja )
米歇拉·萨纳雷拉(Michela Zanarella)
卢西拉·特拉帕佐(Lucilla Trapazzo)
叶莲娜·格里戈里耶夫娜·阿纳涅娃(Елена Григорьевна Ананьева)
克桑西·洪德鲁·希尔(Xanthi Hondrou-Hill)
阿布杜卡赫·科西莫夫(Abdukakhor Kosimov)
伊娃·彼得罗普鲁·利诺伊(Eva Petropoulou Lianoy)
奥尔加·列瓦德娜娅(Ольга Левадная)
比索·娜塔莉(Bisso Natalie)
萨布丽娜·德·卡尼奥(Sabrina De Canio )



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