Home Ballina Esteban Charpentier-Argentina

Esteban Charpentier-Argentina


(Buenos Aires, Argentina 1958) Advocate, Poet. He presides the PIBES foundation www.fundacionpibes.org that helps over 5000 kids in Argentina. He published: Taller de memorias, La otra luna, El jinete de tu galope de risas, Queridos poetas: Homenaje a los poetas de España, Final poético, Me lo pedía el corazón, Me alejo Charpentier, El marinero Bengalí, and La poesía es un alma cansada de futuro, Ya nunca me verás como me vieras, Grandes Éxitos volumen 1, In prose: No seré Marido pero tengo un remís and Aguafueres porteña. Coeditor of OÍR ESE RÍO, ARBOLARIUM, and INVIENTARIO, poetry anthollogies, with more tan 500 poets of the five continents. He organized the book fair “Contra feria”,and has conducted the poetry radio programs Maldita Ginebra and Denserio for more than 25 years.


And again the word, invites you to die,
and you prepair yourself ceremoniously,
you go to bed,
you dressed in shroud white,
arrange your hair, lay calm.
Bared of rings and without teeth,
strech your legs with their last crackles,
cross your arms
think, maybe this one is your first hug.

The word that invites you to die,
the one that your father
the french grandmother,
your sick dog and the missin person, listened to,
visits you, hangs arround.

And you close your eyes and no more looks,
you prepare yourself to listen to,
first the silence,
then a few steps,
lips that approach your ear,
a hot air with smell of garlic,
a sigh.

The word that invites you to die,
accomodate your chillhood,
does not laugh at dreams,
it is the shipwrecked one of the first drizzle,
is reflected while it bites your fears
dances with brillancy of ravens
but boasts of being a Dove,

Again the word, invites you to die.
And this time,
with a smile barefoot of sadness,
you accept!


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